Why Did the Oldest Paper Took So Long to Revolutionize?

Post-och Inrikes Tidningar World\'s Oldest NewspaperYou can’t teach old dogs new tricks. The world’s oldest newspaper which was founded in 1645 only went digital this year — January 1, 2007.
The paper’s chief editor, Hans Holm says: We think it’s a cultural disaster, It is sad when you have worked with it for so long and it has been around for so long.

I would understand his sentimental feeling, but if the world live on sentiments then transition to advancements would become very difficult. In a lot of circumstances — movement from one office location to another, working in another environment, process changes, etc. people initially resist change arguing the need to stay in their old state; but as time goes by, people would begin to realize new challenges and importance of the changes made.
A lot of things change in life and it is no longer a question of accepting the change but rather the timing of the change. For the oldest newspaper in the world — Why only change now?
Source found here.
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