If you are nostalgic and would like to be able to revisit codes you have written in GWBasic or Turbo Pascal, or teach your kids the earlier programming languages you have learned, you would not be able to run the interpreter or compiler directly in Windows 10. What you need is an emulator like DOSBox.
Below are the steps to installing DOSBox in your system.
- Go to DOSBox (http://www.dosbox.com)

2. Go to Downloads (https://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1), click on “Download Now”.

3. Click on DOS Box executable
4. Click on “Next” to agree on license
5. Click on “Next” on current Setup Options

6. Click on “Next” on Folder Location
7. Click on “Next” Completed Installation
8. Click on DOSBox-0.74-2
9. You are all set, go and enjoy running, coding on legacy languages